(9月 15, 2016 10:11 上午)
柏林电影节|主竞赛片单揭晓 (1月 21, 2016 1:57 上午)

第二十五期LAS “avenue of approach” 电影沙龙



From ‘Mukden Incident’ to ‘ Potsdam Declaration”… what have those 14 years of war left for Japan and China? How does our generation, which is luckily enjoying the peace left by our ancestors since we were born, face it, how do we acknowledge, value and memories it. Acknowledgment can only be reached through honest concern, and understanding, can only be reached through communication.

We along with the Japanese artists in Berlin present you these two films: “ Devils on the door step”(Chinese) and “Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence”(Japanese), in order to celebrate the Victory of World War II .

Say no to War! We welcome you all to join us on our 25th Event to watch these two films with us together.

Time: 23.05.2015, Saturday, 14:00 o’clock.
Place: NON Berlin

Adresse:Chausseestraße 11 10115 Berlin-Mitte (entrance:Tieckstraße)
Language: English/ German/ Chinese / Japanese






时间:5月23日 星期六 14:00

地点:NON Berlin

地址:Chausseestraße 11  10115 Berlin-Mitte (入口Tieckstraße)


屏幕快照 2015-05-16 09.53.12

NON Berlin 入口在Tieckstrasse上



14:00 《鬼子来了 Devils on the Doorstep》




主演:姜文 香川照之 袁丁 姜鸿波  陈强
类型:剧情 / 喜剧 / 战争
制片国家/地区: 中国大陆
语言: 汉语普通话 / 日语 / 唐山话
又名:Devils on the Doorstep


19:00《战场上的快乐圣诞 Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence》



第36届戛主竞赛单元 金棕榈奖提名

编剧大岛渚 / Paul Mayersberg
主演大卫·鲍伊 / 坂本龙一 / 汤姆·康蒂 / 北野武/ 杰克·汤普森 / 更多…
类型: 剧情 / 同性 / 战争
制片国家/地区: 英国 / 日本
语言: 英语 / 日语
片长: 123 分钟
又名: 圣诞快乐,劳伦斯先生 / 俘虏 / 戦場のメリークリスマス


21:00 After-Show-Party





about NON Berlin www.nonberlin.com

Asia contemporary art platform NON Berlin was founded in 2014, under the purpose of build­ing an international network among artists, directors and alternative art spaces who work in the art scene in Asia and Berlin, . Furthermore, NON Berlin’s goal is to become the hub for Cul­ture and Arts exchange in Asia and Europe through organizing sustainable projects, mapping networks, creating archives and providing up-to-date information. By curating special exhibi­tions, forums, seminars, art performances and inter-media projects, NON Berlin aims for these activities to initiate a refreshing discourse different from those controlled by the market.

NON Berlin supports professional independent curators in Berlin and are open to those who are willing to express their creativity. In particular, NON Berlin aims to carry on research into Asia’s outlook on the world and it’s philosophical methodology, foreseeing from the contempo­rary point of view. NON Berlin also provides important and credible regional information from Europe and local networks to promote asian contemporary art in Europe with its base in one of the most artistic and culturally rich city, Berlin.



关于NON Berlin: www.nonberlin.com

NON Berlin位于柏林中区,成立于2014年,是一个韩国艺术文化机构,通过策划主题展览,主持论坛,研讨会和文艺演出,不断为柏林注入新鲜的亚洲文化血液,活跃在柏林文化活动前线;同时,NON Berlin也是一个开放的信息,人才交流平台,LAS志同道合的好朋友。


特别感谢:NON Berlin提供本次场地赞助。


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